Exam management solutions are designed to help educational institutions plan, conduct, invigilate, and evaluate online assessments using software and proctoring technologies. The most crucial purpose of an exam management system is to bring the entire offline evaluation online and simplify the process of conducting evaluations. The school examination management software allows efficient management of assessments and tests for your educational institute.

Why Choose Examination Management Software?

The education system is witnessing unparalleled growth with technology. The new technology module came into existence with a revolutionary change in the exam system’s pattern and arrangements, reducing time and manual efforts.

As the conduction of the exam process is also different for all Schools, ensuring the best software embedded with excellent features will support in overall examination management system in India.

In other words, the primary function of school management software is to manage student exam data efficiently and maintain security in exams with automated processes of Exam Management Software for the School.

The software helps the schools to reward students with a merit system and promote them to the following standard.

One primary concern on exams is they should be beneficially conducted to ensure that deserving and suitable students gain maximum rewards for their academic performance and merit-based results for their hardworking.

To meet real exam standards of the education system, every school needs to implement a well-developed school examination management system ensuring the best arrangements of exams.

A sound examination management system provides institutions with the mechanism to quickly create a streamlined exam pattern most conducive to student academic development. It also benefits faculty by:

  • Eliminating overwhelm.
  • Shifting administration to a single, central system to simplify the execution of examination processes.
  • Significantly reduces time spent fulfilling pre-prep, during, and after examination processes.
  • Simplifying exam scheduling.
  • Providing accuracy and cuts unreliability.

Management benefits

Management – and the educational institution as a whole – benefits from good software that manages examinations in these ways:

  • Authentic, reliable examinations.
  • Accurate, error-free result.
  • Strict confidentiality.
  • Become paper-free.
  • Save time, costs, and resources.
  • Deliver exam results with a click.
  • Get powerful data-driven insights that tell the stories you need to know.
  • Reduce duplication.

Of course, all these benefits have secondary benefits as they spin off other elements, for example, enhanced reputation and marketing ability.

Not all software is made equal, which is true of examination management systems. However, good software adds maximum value in the following ways:


  • Automation of planning and execution
  • Configuration of exam types
  • Online exam registrations
  • Room and seating arrangements
  • Room admittance
  • Automatic generation of invoices
  • Notification of exam timetables

Examination setup

  • Choose from question templates that are mapped to Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Includes exam questions approval process
  • Easy configuration of types of examination, including multiple questions
  • Group-wise question papers setup
  • Setup of different difficulty levels
  • Configuration of grading criteria
  • Setup examination module according to various difficulty levels

Marking entries and result distribution

  • Evaluate entries on-screen
  • Assign exam evaluators without exchanging paper
  • Provides an Outcomes Attainment calculation
  • Publish grades online
  • Generate transcripts
  • Massive choice of insightful reports to choose from
  • Access the system via an application or from the web

SFT RollCall has turned traditional examination processes on its head by providing a system that is used by a significant number of schools. We’ve simplified and enhanced the entire examination process for educational institutions.

Try SFT Roll Call

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