Want to spend more time developing your alumni engagement strategy and less juggling spreadsheets and data? Alumni management system eliminate much of the laborious administration involved with managing alumni. They can streamline the management of all donations, different events, mentoring programs, and even meaning you can focus on what is really important—your alumni! 

  1. Create the Best Experience for Your Alumni

Technology has revolutionized consumer expectations and demands. 

According to Salesforce, 64% of consumer and business buyers say companies need cutting-edge digital experiences to keep their businesses. 

It’s not just major brands and corporations that have to cater to evolving consumer expectations – the landscape has changed for everyone. Alumni relations included. 

Personalization is a critical component for creating a compelling alumni experience. Personalized experiences are more memorable, help build a deeper relationship with alumni, and increase their likelihood of meaningful engagement. 

With an alumni management system, you can leverage data analytics, advanced segmentation, and marketing automation to create personalized and impactful alumni experiences at scale. For example, you can: 

  • Share tailored content with each member based on their profile 
  • Create a different content experience for members logging in for the first time 
  • Offer content recommendations 
  • Create sub-communities within the platform for chapters, interest groups, and more. 
  1. Keep Precious Data up to date

Alumni engagement campaigns are only as good as the data they are built on. 

Maintaining an up-to-date database can be challenging, especially if you need a system for regularly updating records. 

The alumni management system centralizes all your data in one place. CRM and Social-media integrations and one-click options for updating information mean the minimum effort is required to keep data clean and up to date!  

Your alumni control what information they keep private to admins and what information they share with others! Powerful search filters also make it easy for you and your alumni to quickly find members based on criteria such as alma mater, location, and job title! For example, if one of your alumni is planning a trip to Brussels, they can easily search for members in this city, reach out to them on the platform and connect. 

  1. Boost Pride and Sense of Belonging          

Your university’s branding is essential for (among other things) building trust and loyalty and standing out from the crowd. 

Your learning brand is built to accurately represent who you are as an institution and how you wish to be perceived. It’s essential to create a consistent brand experience. The most valuable brands in the world know that consistency is critical to building lasting customer relationships and increasing brand recognition.  

Offering your alumni a branded and exclusive online platform will reinforce and strengthen your institution’s brand identity. It will help facilitate deepening connections, inspire audiences, and ultimately deliver more robust results regarding alumni engagement. 

  1. Centralize your Tools

Alumni engagement platforms centralize all your alumni management tools in one place. 

From the platform, you can: 

  • Keep influential alumni data up to date 
  • Create sub-groups to save time and effort while increasing engagement 
  • Encourage and facilitate donations 
  • Boost your alumni placement statistics through careers and mentoring features. 
  • Manage events—on and offline—from A-Z 
  • Simplify and centralize how you communicate with alumni 
  • Make data-driven decisions with actionable analytics 

Having all these features centralized in one platform dramatically simplifies the management of your network. Plus, with all your vital data in one place, you can make data-driven decisions to manage members better and refine engagement strategies. 

  1. Opportunities for Your Alumni

Your alumni shouldn’t see your platform as another social network! Your platform should be a hub for structure and relevant information and opportunities. 

Let’s look at some examples of what you can offer with an alumni management system: 

  • Opportunities to connect and network with peers 
  • Career, mentoring, and investment opportunities 
  • Access to research from the institution 
  • Opportunities to give back financially or by offering some of their time 
  1. Save Money and Stay Up to Date With the Best Alumni Engagement Practices

When it comes to creating your dedicated platform, you generally have three options: 

  • Build it yourself in-house 
  • Request a web agency to build it for you 
  • Use an alumni platform specialist 

Several alumni management software specialists on the market offer various degrees of customization and flexibility.  

Using a specialist generally ensures you cover over 90% of your needs for a fraction of the cost of building and maintaining a platform from scratch. It also provides you with benefits from and stays updated with alumni relations best practices. 

Leveraging the experience of an alumni management system specialist usually ensures a more stable platform and better maintenance of the solution while benefiting from the platform’s improvements. At Hivebrite, we offer a SaaS solution that allows our customers to benefit from all future upgrades at no additional cost. 

For more details regarding alumni management for your educational institution, visit sftrollcall.com now! 

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